S.A.T. Costa de Níjar has several brands to make its produce stand out in the market.
Costa de Níjar
The company’s main brand, which is representative of the value provided to our clients. Under this brand you can find the main produce that we sell.
The company’s secondary brand, which includes a wide variety of produce. The brand colours evoke the Parque Natural de Cabo de Gata, the natural park that is home to the company.
Bio Costa de Níjar
A capacity for enthusiasm is a sign of spiritual health. At S.A.T. Costa de Níjar we are perpetually enthusiastic about meeting the new needs of clients. The creation of Bio Costa de Níjar covers the great variety of organic produce on offer to our clients.
“Art lies in the quality of doing something, the process is not magic.”
All you need is a little idea in order to turn a dream into reality. That is how Arte was born, the company’s brand for a line of exquisite quality within the market. With our produce we create art for our clients.